Faculty advisors are a vital resource for student researchers. Advisors act as mentors, guides and sounding boards, helping students solve the many questions that crop up as they hypothesize, investigate and experiment.

Nesrine Affara
Assistant Teaching Professor, Biological Sciences

Mohamed Bouaouina
Associate Teaching Professor, Biological Sciences
Research mentored:

Gordon Rule
Biological Sciences Professor, Biological Sciences
Research mentored:

Annette Vincent
Associate Teaching Professor, Biological Sciences
Research mentored:
- Bacteriophage tail proteins as bacteria detection tools
- Inhibition of human placental alkaline phosphatase by L-phenylalanine
- Is magnesium good for the gut?
- What is the efficiency of Mg2+ as an activator for calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CIP)?
- Preventing and managing MIC for the oil and gas industry

Ihab Younis
Associate Teaching Professor, Biological Sciences
Research mentored:
- Splicing regulation of alternative splicing regulators as a novel therapeutic approach in breast cancer
- The effects of the inhibition of minor intron splicing in breast cancer cells
- Inhibiting PARP1 splicing along with inducing DNA damage as potential breast cancer therapy
- Analysis of RNA binding proteins on regulation of tumor suppressor gene PTEN
- Computational analysis of minor intron splicing in breast cancer

Fuad Farooqi
Associate Teaching Professor, Finance

Agustín Indaco
Assistant Teaching Professor, Economics

Cecile Le Roux
Assistant Teaching Professor, Organization and Behavior
Research mentored:

George White
Distinguished Career Professor, Entrepreneurship

Chadi Aoun
Associate Teaching Professor, Information Systems

Houda Bouamor
Assistant Teaching Professor, Information Systems

Susan Hagan
Associate Teaching Professor, Information Systems

Nui Vatanasakdakul
Associate Teaching Professor in Information Systems

Eduardo Feo Flushing
Postdoctoral Associate, Computer Science

Khaled Harras
Teaching Professor, Computer Science

Valentin Ilyin
Associate Teaching Professor, Computational Biology
Research mentored:

Saquib Razak
Associate Teaching Professor, Computer Science

Giselle Reis
Assistant Teaching Professor, Computer Science

Jennifer Bruder
Assistant Teaching Professor, Psychology

Lauren Burakowski
Assistant Teaching Professor, Psychology

Taeyong Park
Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor, Statistics
Research mentored: