This research seeks to analyze the challenges and opportunities entrepreneurs face with human resources (HR) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the role of HR in promoting success in the context of Qatar. The success of SMEs has been researched in various countries, but limited research exists in Qatar. The specific objectives of the research revolve around the main research question: “What are the challenges and opportunities that entrepreneurs face with human resources, and what is the relationship between the availability of human resources and the success of SMEs in Qatar?” In order to answer this question, two studies were conducted with entrepreneurs in Qatar. Study 1 applied a quantitative method to explore the challenges and opportunities entrepreneurs face with human resources. Additionally, the study investigated the relationship between the availability of human resources and the success of SMEs in Qatar. Study 2 applied a qualitative methodology to further understand Study 1’s results to interpret the data. The Study 1 results showed that the majority of entrepreneurs have problems with accessing human resources. Besides, entrepreneurs stressed the necessity of workshops offered by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry to guide them. The Study 2 entrepreneurs provided examples of the challenges and opportunities they have faced regarding human resources. Future research needs to further explore the challenges and opportunities related to factors other than human resources. Also, future research should be carried out to further explore entrepreneurs that are not registered in entrepreneurial organizations.